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C-1 water pump


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2003
Conway, SC
'59 Blk/Red, '12 Crystal Red GS
It looks like I have to replace the water pump on my '59 (or at least the gaskets; won't know until I get it apart).

What is the best way to support the motor when I pull the pump and motor mount off the front of the motor ? I seem to remember a drawing either here or in a magazine of a motor support / cradle where it sits on the oil pan rails. Is that the way to go ? I can't see just putting a jack and a 2 x 4 under it to hold it up.

Also, when putting it back together, how do you know you have the motor perfectly straight, level, and plumb when re-installing the front motor mount ?

Any help would be appreciated

Bernie O
It looks like I have to replace the water pump on my '59 (or at least the gaskets; won't know until I get it apart).

What is the best way to support the motor when I pull the pump and motor mount off the front of the motor ? I seem to remember a drawing either here or in a magazine of a motor support / cradle where it sits on the oil pan rails. Is that the way to go ? I can't see just putting a jack and a 2 x 4 under it to hold it up.

Also, when putting it back together, how do you know you have the motor perfectly straight, level, and plumb when re-installing the front motor mount ?

Any help would be appreciated

Bernie O

I use a cradle made from a 2x6 (bottom piece) and a pair of 1x6's (side pieces); the side pieces are about an inch taller than the pan, and the base holds the side pieces against the side of the pan, supporting the engine on the pan rail. The left side piece is notched to clear the dipstick tube.

You shouldn't have an issue leveling the engine if the mount cushions are new; the height of the frame brackets is the same on both sides.


Thanks for the info John; I was hoping you would answer this thread; your answers/info are always spot on.

It's pretty much what I envisioned as how to go about this. Is there anything like this in the Service Manuals or any other "official" GM / Chevy repair manuals ? Just curious if this is how they did it in the "opld days".

Thanks again,

Bernie O.
Thanks for the info John; I was hoping you would answer this thread; your answers/info are always spot on.

It's pretty much what I envisioned as how to go about this. Is there anything like this in the Service Manuals or any other "official" GM / Chevy repair manuals ? Just curious if this is how they did it in the "opld days".

Thanks again,

Bernie O.

The step-by-step procedure for replacing the water pump is covered on page 6S-4 in the ST-12 service manual, including use of a stud on each side as an assembly aid. :)

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