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C2 and C3 Corvette Trailing Arms Rebuilt


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
I received the following information in the mail and thought I'd pass it along here. I don't know anything about the company so if you're interested, reach out to the gentleman.

C2/C3 Corvette Trailing Arms Rebuilt

Located at 75 Temple Street, Worcester, MA, I provide a full reconditioning process to 1963-1982 rear arms.

Newly installed components include;

  1. Bearing sets and grease seals (surface ground and set between .001-.003)
  2. Year correct backing plates
  3. Dust cap, washer, castle nut and cotter pin
  4. Axle lugs
  5. S/S E-brake hardware
  6. E-brake shoes
  7. Top brake shoe retainer, assembly nuts and washers
  8. OEM front bushing assembly
  9. E-brake cable guide

Services include;

  1. Disassemble, soak, vibrator tumble, aluminum oxide blast all metal components including the arm, bearing support, caliper mount bracket and spindle
  2. Etch prime and high temp paint (or POR 15) cast and steel components
  3. Thread chase caliper bracket and half shaft flange holes
  4. stitch weld check and touch up on trailing arms (if necessary)

Options include;

  1. Brand new trailing arm (30 stronger than OEM)
  2. Energy Suspension (TM) Polyurethane front bushing kit
  3. OEM rotors and pads

$345 exchange

I do purchase complete arms outright for $175 a pair or $75 each, any quantity and 4-speed
transmissions for rebuilding onlv, Call for specifics on 63-64 rebuilds.

I am open 6 days a week from 7AM and can be contacted @ 508-414-3285 or iascscl@yahoo.com

Thank you
Rick Spokis

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