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c2 disc brake calipers

michael sommers

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2003
67 sbc conv
When pressure testing rebuilt calipers.
What is the maximum hydraulic pressure
I should apply?
The factory test after brake fill and bleed pressurized the entire brake system to 2,000 psi for ten seconds, but you can't generate that kind of pressure with your foot on the brake pedal. If there are no leaks when you push on the pedal as hard as you can, you're good to go. Obviously, this must be done with the calipers on the car and the pads installed.

The factory 2000-psi test was done on the completed chassis, prior to Body Drop; the machine clamped on the master cylinder and had a hydraulic piston that pushed directly on the rear piston in the master cylinder, and had sensitive instrumentation that detected any piston movement that would indicate a pressure decay from a leak.


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