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Help! C2 Suspension


Nov 27, 2008
Newcastle, Australia
1966 Coupe Torch Red, 1962 Original Roman Red
To all who know more than I,

I have a '66 Big Block Coupe. Unfortunatally the previous owner traded the motor after damaging it many years ago and replaced it with a 454. I am rebuilding the motor at the moment with some very serious hp. My concern is for the suspension and steering and keeping the car and me safe with this power.

I have seen the Steeroids Rack and pinion kit at many sites, is this a good way to go ??

Also, there are serveral degrees in how far one should go with suspension, the pinicle seeming to be Maz Performance Suspension Package from Ecklers for 3k (Part no 40042). Has any one bought this, is it worth the money, is it necessary to go this far.

I hope all who read have patience for a newcomer and enjoy their Thanksgiving Holiday.
Before I'd spend a bunch of money bolting on an aftermarket steering system, I'd rebuild the existing system (ball joints, tie rod ends, steering idler, control arm bushings, etc.) and have a pro rebuild the steering gear. You'd be surprised how good it is when all the old pieces aren't worn.

Before I'd spend a bunch of money bolting on an aftermarket steering system, I'd rebuild the existing system (ball joints, tie rod ends, steering idler, control arm bushings, etc.) and have a pro rebuild the steering gear. You'd be surprised how good it is when all the old pieces aren't worn.


:werd: GM designed these cars to take an unbelievable amount of power from the factory without issue...think of the 450/425 horse 66 cars...you know they had more power than that and GM had to be sure every knucklehead that owned one would be safe...It will hold up fine!! :pat:_rock

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