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Question: C3 dimensions from wheel centerlines to body mounts


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
1994 Conv. & 1999 Conv.
Hello all,

I'm new to CAC and I'd like to ask if anyone has the dimensions from the wheel centerlines to any body mount on a C3? I'm designing a chassis based on the SRIII tubular frame with a C5/C4 IFS/IRS setup. I'm stuck overseas at the moment so I don't have access to any vehicles to measure the hard points.

I'm using CATIA V5 as my CAD software. If interested, I have some pics of my progress on a couple of websites.

C3 Corvette Upgrade pictures by billharbin - Photobucket

Photo album - BND TechSource

This is the best I can do!! 69-73 C3 Should be purdy much the same from 68-82 except 74-82 are a little different at the very rear for the energy absorbing bumpers!!:thumb

Thanks for the info! The Chassis diagrams are where I started. Then after much searching, I was able to create the two frames (side & rear exhaust). The front suspension is complete and the rear just needs a sway bar. I just need to be sure I have my wheel centerlines in the proper locations.

Here are the wheel centerlines to body mounts that I have currently.

OK, I did a bit more research, and here's what I've come up with. I need help to verify these dimensions. I am trying to keep the tires inside the original body without adding flares. I noticed many owners out there upgraded their tires to P255/60R15 which fills the wheel wells quite nicely. Please, any help would be appreciated.


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