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C5's - Now's the Time

vett boy said:
Quicksilver was the fastest of the c-5 's produced.

Yes, because they are five pounds lighter since they came without paint and just the silver primer from the factory, hence the color... vettboy did you miss the recall from GM calling them in to get painted when they noticed the defect??
And remember, after purchasing your c5, you are not allowed to wave anymore. This is done to **** the c4 owners off.
Patrick said:
Another of Remo's threads gets sidetracked on the discussion of color. Another winter thread goes awry...

...only this time Remo isn't the reason for it. Hmmm...

Dwayne, do we need to start you on some winter meds, too? Don't make me send DRTH VTR over there- he is a Pharmacist, you know, and has lots of stuff in his cabinets that will leave you a droolin' fool until the spring thaw.


Cute...real cute...:rotfl
Right thought wrong color !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The vette was made to be sold in only one color and that is

Torch Red the rest of the colors were made to go with pretty dresses, except Millinium Yellow.

Those are the only colors made that belong on a track.


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