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C6 orange / C5R

Hi Bob!! Haven't seen the Orange couple yet. Do they even make one??? However I did pick up the Hot Wheels Red C6 coupe at Toys are us yesterday for $24.99.

As far as the C5R, I haven't seen them in stores, but on the 'net there going from about 25 bucks for a cheapie to one I've seen for $400!!!!!
Hi, Haven't really searched for the orange but haven't seen one. Thought possibly someone may have.
I got 2 from KMart 1 from WalMart and two from eHobbies.com and ordered a red one from eHobbies. Coupes & convt in various colors, blk, slvr, blue, white. Just came from ToysUs and they had none. So just wait it out.Thanks
I've got a blue and red coupe, and a silver vert. The Targets in my area usually carry the black ones too. Although I haven't picked on up yet. Still waiting to find a white one.

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