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C6-R Corvette Race Car Driver, Johnny O'Connell Starts Corvette Camp


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<a href="/racing/camp.html"><img src="/racing/images/johnny.gif" width="132" height="192" border="0" alt="Johnny O'Connell" hspace="2" vspace="2" align="right" /></a>You. Your Vette. A Racetrack.

Corvette Racing champion Johnny O'Connell has set out to bridge the gap between racing schools and track days at Johnny O'Connell's Corvette Camp with the first event slated for September 17 & 18 at Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, SC. Corvette Camp will offer real world instruction that will allow Corvette owners to experience the thrills of driving on a racetrack and gain understanding of how to handle their cars with more confidence in day to day driving situations.

For full details, please see: <a href="/racing/camp.html">You. Your Vette. A Racetrack. Corvette Camp Offers Speed and Sanity for Vette Owners</a>

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