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Help! Cabin Air Filter


Jan 27, 2014
1980-Claret (for now) White Int. (for now)
Can someone tell me WHERE THE HELL IT IS? Worked on these sumbiches for 30 years and never had to replace one.

Like I said, I never had to try to find one before. I was watching some tech videos and they happened on to a problem I have...low blower volume. The tech WAS working on a C-3 and recommended changing the filter but the vid didn't show him actually removing or replacing the filter, so I couldn't tell anything about the dam thing. But again, thanks. Saves me a lot of hunting for nothin'.
Like I said, I never had to try to find one before. I was watching some tech videos and they happened on to a problem I have...low blower volume. The tech WAS working on a C-3 and recommended changing the filter but the vid didn't show him actually removing or replacing the filter, so I couldn't tell anything about the dam thing. But again, thanks. Saves me a lot of hunting for nothin'.

If the tech made specific reference to a cabin filter on a C3, it makes one wonder what else is bogus on that video.
Ecklers (I believe it is them) sells a cabin air filter for the C3. They fit over the air inlet screens in the wiper compartment. I intend to order a set to stop those somebiching dried leaves and helicopter Maple tree seeds from coming in through those screens in the spring when I clean in that area.

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Installing Cabin Filter C6

When installing the Cabin Filter (CF-139 or equiv.), be careful not to squash the ribs of the filter due to a snug fit.
You can use a thin stick or a long skewer (blunt end) to gently push in each side of the filter from the back side a little at a time. Insert the stick on the top left side, push in one inch, then the top right side, alternating each side until seated.
This will prevent the ribs of the filter from collapsing until the filter is seated flush with the door.
cabin filter

Ok then where is it? I looked behind the glove box and saw nothing like other cars??? Thanks!

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