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CAC Event at Mid America for 2011

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
I know that the CAC event will be at Mid America again next year and I think that is great. We all had a great time this year along with making new friends and I believe most everyone that came is looking forward to 2011 event. My question is do we know a date and or do you know a host Hotel? I am already booking rooms around the country for 2011 Corvette events that I will be attending and just wondered if this event had been decided yet? I will be staying at the same Motel for Funfest that the CAC Event used back in June and thought if we use the same place and we had a date I would book my room for that event while I am there in Sept.
Mike, I believe that the dates will be the second weekend in June. It's a waiting game now. I'd just as soon see the host motel the same, but that hasn't been determined yet.

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