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Cam shaft data for 86E corvettes


Active member
May 19, 2004
Rochester, New York
1986 two-tone gold coupe
can anyone tell me the lift and duration for the stock cam in a 1986E corvette?

and also if you can I'm looking to get a different cam for it. I'd like to pick up as much Horsepower as possible without making it so it idles rough. any suggestions?
i used to have the cam specs in an email i got but i can't find it :(

it's roughly 210 duration at .050 .420 lift on a 114 lsa. very small cam indeed.

whats too choppy for you? any cam you go with will be choppy or atleast a noticiable choppyness compared to the stock cam. your asking for something that is hard to achieve. HP vs Chop isn't gonna happen unless you know how to custom tune your car yourself.

with that said check out the Lingenfelter 210 or 219 cam or if you can find a ZZ4 cam. once you cam it i bet you'll wish you went with a bigger cam.
basically, my car idles really smooth. I don't need a smooth idle, but at the same time I dont want it to lope like a funny car. I want something that'll boost performance without making the idle quality unbearable.
As Mic mentioned, the Lingenfelter 74219 is a good cam. It's actually designed to be as smooth as stock, but more powerful - and with the bonus of better fuel economy, if you can believe it. It's meant for the SuperRam, but works fine without it. Not sure what increase you get with just the cam; you'd need to ask them.

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