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Can I add NPP (Dual Mode Exhaust) to my 2008?

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Can I add NPP (Dual Mode Exhaust) to my 2008 even if I did not get this option?

I figured, I would need to add the mufflers and the vaccum line. But where does the vacum line connect? The fuse is already there, so is the "electronic module" there too? if so I assume the vaccum line connects to something controlled by that circuit.

Anyone do this? I would like the installation to look and operate as it would have from the factory.
Can I add NPP (Dual Mode Exhaust) to my 2008 even if I did not get this option?

I figured, I would need to add the mufflers and the vaccum line. But where does the vacum line connect? The fuse is already there, so is the "electronic module" there too? if so I assume the vaccum line connects to something controlled by that circuit.

Anyone do this? I would like the installation to look and operate as it would have from the factory.

It is possible, but before you go to all that work, make sure you have heard it first and have compared the sound to a good aftermarket system :beer
I'm with Zare......you can get just as much of a performance improvement with any exhaust......might even sound better......;squint:
Can I add NPP (Dual Mode Exhaust) to my 2008 even if I did not get this option?

I figured, I would need to add the mufflers and the vaccum line. But where does the vacum line connect? The fuse is already there, so is the "electronic module" there too? if so I assume the vaccum line connects to something controlled by that circuit.

Anyone do this? I would like the installation to look and operate as it would have from the factory.

The advantage to the NPP exhaust is that you can turn it on or off with an after market fob switch. I have one and it works great.

By 'turning it on and off', is that comparable to pulling the fuse in & out of the Z06 fusebox to keep the exhast open?

Aftermarket 'MIGHT' sound better? Thats a good one ;LOL

I would use the word 'positively' :L

I've got the NPP exhaust on my C6, and I have to say, I love the way it sounds with it fully open. I honestly dont think an aftermarket system would sound any better, possibly just as good, and likely louder, but not nessissarly better. :upthumbs


By 'turning it on and off', is that comparable to pulling the fuse in & out of the Z06 fusebox to keep the exhast open?


I turn the NPP on and off using a bypass switch I installed a while ago. I mounted the switch in the center console, right next to the ash tray. When I flip the switch it opens the circuit (same as removing the fuse) and I get a nice roar from the pipes. When I want her quiet, I flip the switch the other way, and she is nice and quiet.

As for adding the system to your car, I dont know. :confused

I hope someone can answer this thread. I just got an 08 and wasn't able to get the Npp - but really would like to add it. For some reason it just doesn't seem that complicated of an idea........I'll stay tuned.
I hope someone can answer this thread. I just got an 08 and wasn't able to get the Npp - but really would like to add it. For some reason it just doesn't seem that complicated of an idea........I'll stay tuned.

Yes I realize Corsa and B&B and Borla sound terrific. I tried many on my C5, even had cutouts. Now that I have a brand new C6, I want to keep it strictly stock so NPP seems really interesting since it offers flexibility.

Come on guys, somebody has to know. OK replace the mufflers with the NPP type with actuators. Easy, no problem (just $$$$)

1. where does the vacumm hose connect at the engine? Pics would help

2. what route does the vacuum hose take down the chassis? One hose or two?

3. anything else? ;help
WHERE IS EVERYBODY??????????????????

Amazing....so no one knows enough to answer? Sounded like a pretty fair and simple question.
There are a couple threads about this on the other forum. It appears that you can add the NPP exhaust to your C6. There is a vendor that sells electric motors that mount in place of the vaccum motors to control the valves.
There are a couple threads about this on the other forum. It appears that you can add the NPP exhaust to your C6. There is a vendor that sells electric motors that mount in place of the vaccum motors to control the valves.

Thanks. I did see the posts in the other forums, but none describe doing it totally stock. Maybe it's impossible??
In answer to the original question YES,YOU CAN ADD IT TO ANY YEAR C6!Unfortunately I don't know the process but there are those that do on other forums,from which I am currently BANNED!!:upthumbs You run the VACUUM LINE,hook up the fuse and all that and that's it.Also,there's a place in JERSEY that sells and installs a cutout that accomplishes the same thing as the NPP.
Jason, where did you get the device to be able to manually turn your dual mode exhaust on and off? Does the installation affect the warranty?

bcensouth, where did you get the kit with fob to be able to turn your dual mode exhaust on and off? Will this kit affect your wanrranty?

Jason, where did you get the device to be able to manually turn your dual mode exhaust on and off? Does the installation affect the warranty?


Ken, I did the install my self, with parts I bought from my local auto parts store. You can find instructions here: http://www.netwelding.com/Exhaust Switch EXS.pdf

I didnt want to sacrifice a cup holder for the switch, so I mounted my switch in the center console, just to the right of the ash tray. Below is a picture of the finished installation.


bcensouth, where did you get the kit with fob to be able to turn your dual mode exhaust on and off? Will this kit affect your wanrranty?


You can find the wireless kit here: http://shop.sunsetorangecreations.com/product.sc?categoryId=2&productId=6

on other forums,from which I am currently BANNED!!:upthumbs .

;LOL;LOL;LOLI shudder to think how you got banned from a forum. Geeez doesn't anybody understand NYers anymore? I had better clam up before I get thrown off too.

Thanks for the reply, I'll keep searching I guess. I'm just stubborn.
I'm a victim of circumstance!!:rotfl
There are several threads over there that will explain it w/pictures too.;)

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