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Can I add NPP (Dual Mode Exhaust) to my 2008?

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I have a new coupe with the NPP option and it sounds great....nothing better than true stock...after market would be a good 2nd choice.
Can I add NPP (Dual Mode Exhaust) to my 2008 even if I did not get this option?

I figured, I would need to add the mufflers and the vaccum line. But where does the vacum line connect? The fuse is already there, so is the "electronic module" there too? if so I assume the vaccum line connects to something controlled by that circuit.

Anyone do this? I would like the installation to look and operate as it would have from the factory.

I dont think this every got answered. Check out this NPP in a Box. Sounds like this guy did all the R&D on putting an after market NPP system on your car.

I hope someone can answer this thread. I just got an 08 and wasn't able to get the Npp - but really would like to add it. For some reason it just doesn't seem that complicated of an idea........I'll stay tuned.

No, it is not possible but you can get something that some think is better...read on...

I just went through this process. I bought a new 2008 without the NPP but specifically had it added. It cost $1,725. Once they installed it I realized that they did not know what they were doing. The sales guy and parts guy thought that the GM performance exhaust was NPP. It is not. After going directly to the service manager he simply said that he would not even know how to do it. I ended up just keeping the GCA Performance Exhaust that they installed.

I was told here that no one believed that the NPP could be installed but I went ahead with it because the sales guy and service schedule guy insisted that they did it all the time.


So, let me say that absolutely not. It cannot be done.

All is not lost. Contact Ed at http://www.nakidparts.com/ and he can set you up with his system.:thumb
I dont think this every got answered. Check out this NPP in a Box. Sounds like this guy did all the R&D on putting an after market NPP system on your car.


To answer the question: Yes you can put the NPP on a C6 not so equipped. The easiest solution is as noted in the quoted post - NPP in a Box. I have Ed's system (albeit on a Z06 setup) and it works great. There is always the method of using most of the OEM setup but the issue with this is the OEM system is activated by the ECM at a set RPM. (There is also the issue that it is hard :D)

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