I got the rag joint in the "Help!" section of the local parts store. Those are typically cheap parts but it was all I could find locally.
To get to the rag joint, first disconnect the negative battery cable so you don't set off the air bag. The instructions in the manual say to be careful not to compress the output shaft of the column (push it toward the firewall) or you could damage part of the air bag system.
I removed the bolts holding the A/C compressor and moved it out of the way, then did the same for the ASR box. There is a plastic cover on the lower end of the shaft assembly under the hood that is held on by a hose clamp at its lower end. Loosen that, then the cover also has a snap together connector on the bottom side that you'll have to reach. Then the fun part, trying to get the cover out without breaking it. I broke mine and absolutely could not get it back in there at reassembly. I left it off the car.
Once you get this far you can unbolt the lower u-joint assembly from the input shaft on the rack, one bolt. then do the same for the upper end on the output of the steering column shaft, as noted above, be careful not to compress the steering column shaft. Also lock the wheel and don't move the front tires so the orientation of tire direction to steering wheel is not lost.
Once the bolt on the upper end is loose you can slide the shaft assembly off the column output by pushing it to the side, then slide the shaft
back and off the rack input shaft. The shaft assembly is now free from the car and you can drill out the pins holding the rag joint to the lower u-joint and replace it. They give you bolts to use in the kit in place of the pins.
When you're done I think you'll notice a huge difference in the steering.
good luck

One other thing I forgot to include above. I removed the center section of the inner fender well right above the A-arm...