I was toying around with the ideaa of doing my own paint job on my vette. I figure that since I want it all silver like it came from the factory that if I was clean and careful about it, I could use my compressed air paint gun just like the pros do. I could just hand drop cloths all around my garge to keep everything from getting silver maybe set up some kind of fan to keep me from gettign too stoned off of the fumes.
has anyone done this? give me some insight, like I said I am just toying around with the idea. the car already need a new paint job, so whats the worst that could happen? I end up out the money I spent in paint.
Tom "Paint fumes are good"Scott :crazy
has anyone done this? give me some insight, like I said I am just toying around with the idea. the car already need a new paint job, so whats the worst that could happen? I end up out the money I spent in paint.
Tom "Paint fumes are good"Scott :crazy