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Carlisle 2005 Mega Pic Gallery

  • Thread starter Thread starter RonRed89
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Took a ton of pics at Carlisle this year. If you weren't able to make it, hopefully these pics will give you a flavor of what was there. Hope that you enjoy the pics. Feel free to use the comment tools on the web site or here if I got your car in this gallery. Did see several forum members cars while there.

Hope you enjoy them:


Got room for some more pix? I haven't uploaded mine yet (maybe 15 or so) because I don't have a handy place to put them.
rrubel said:
Got room for some more pix? I haven't uploaded mine yet (maybe 15 or so) because I don't have a handy place to put them.

Sure, no problem. You can e-mail them to me at redcorvette@brightdsl.net. Try to keep the attachments under 5MB and just wait several mins before sending the next 5MB chunk (depending on the size of your photos). I'll upload them to smugmug and they will be a part of the gallery.

Wow, great pics. Thanks for sharing. I also now have a whole bunch a new pics in my screen saver.:)
tdonlin said:
Wow, great pics. Thanks for sharing. I also now have a whole bunch a new pics in my screen saver.:)

Cool. :-) Glad you were able to put them to good use.

rrubel said:
Ok. Let me get them off the camera and I'll send them your way. Thanks!

All - thanks for so many positive comments on the pics. Glad that you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed taking them. Added some new pics from Rich. Check them out when you get a chance!


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