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chrome like powdercoating


Sep 10, 2008
Has anyone tried Eastwoods #10285 reflective chrome powder coating? Users on Eastwood website say it looks great until you clear coat it (which is required) then it looks like silver paint. Anybody had good luck with it. Thanks.
yup, i've used it and it looks great (without the clear coat)

i'm going to do bb valve covers soon and i'll let you know how it turns out with the cc

i also bought their header powder coat and will probably give that i try before spring
Thanks, I heard it looks great without the clear coat but dulls down with clear coat. Let me know how yours turns out with clear coat. Do instructions give any clue to how bad tarnishing is without clear coat?
I don't remember the instructions talking about that but I can tell you that I sparkly powder coated an air cleaner top and had it under the hood for a year. No tarnishing but it retains finger prints.
You say it retains fingerprints, will they polish out?
Nope, the fingerprints are permanent.

well, I tried the clear coating on top of the chrome powder coat and just as you predicted, it turned an awful shade of grey. I was so pissed that I just covered it with black powdercoat. The hell with it.
Sorry it didn't work for you. You saved me some money I'm not going to try it. Thanks.
Nope, the fingerprints are permanent.

well, I tried the clear coating on top of the chrome powder coat and just as you predicted, it turned an awful shade of grey. I was so pissed that I just covered it with black powdercoat. The hell with it.

Just use my method..."Just Throw Money at it till it's right":D

"Kid_Again.."Hey, at least I don't have an annoying split window to block my view."
Do you think it would work well as a headlamp lens reflector coating for a non-sealed beam headlamp?

What I'm running into with all the reflective coatings I've tried is even though I can get a very acceptable finish they all scuff/tarnish very easily unless they are clear coated and that is when the finish goes in the dump.

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