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Classic Corvette, bricked behind walls in Brunswick for 27 years, could be worth $175,000


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Sep 16, 2000
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1990 Corvette ZR-1
Classic Corvette, bricked behind walls in Brunswick for 27 years, could be worth $175,000

By Darcie Moore, Times Record
Posted Jan. 18, 2013, at 2:53 p.m


This 1954 Chevrolet Corvette Roadster, which spent 27 years bricked into a vault
inside a Brunswick building, —is expected to sell for at least $175,000 at auction Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013.
- The Times Record

BRUNSWICK, Maine — The famous “entombed” Corvette that spent 27 years bricked into a vault inside a Bath Road building could sell for at least $175,000 in a Florida auction Saturday.

The Corvette is one of more than 3,000 vehicles to “ride the red carpet” at the Mecum’s Kissimmee Auction at Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Fla.

The car has an automatic transmission, red interior and a “Blue Flame” 6-cylinder engine.

Richard Sampson, a businessman who built a chain of 33 grocery stores, purchased the car new in 1954 and drove it until 1959. Then he took it to the construction site of a store in Brunswick — currently home to China Rose restaurant, 42 Bath Road — and had workers enclose it in a brick-and-mortar vault, according to a story by Kane Rogers in this month’s edition of Mecum Monthly, an auctioneer publication.

Full Story: Classic Corvette, bricked behind walls in Brunswick for 27 years, could be worth $175,000 — Midcoast — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine


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What a find!

Awesome story, rare find :cool!:

Bill :w
Not exactly a "barn" find but still :L
Urban Myth Debunked!! at least for me

As a child growing up in South Windham, Maine my mother always took us grocery shopping every week at Sampson's Super Market in Westbrook. Her story was as I recall that the car was bricked in at the Westbrook store (at least that's my recollection) I of course always asked WHY?? so I'm elated that 1. It's a true story and 2. The corvette is no longer "entombed" ....maybe it will be out in public view once again. Great story!! :cool!:

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