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clutch bell crank lever seal

michael sommers

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2003
67 sbc conv
I need information on the clutch bell crank lever seals.
The question being; on the engine side does
the felt seal/washer just rub on the block over
the ball pivot assy or are there some additional
parts needed?

Thanks for your help
There's no felt seal on the engine side - just the square-section rubber O-ring that's part of the engine-side ball stud. The nylon ball seats, retainer, and thick felt washer are only on the frame end of the cross shaft. :)
Thanks John,
Is there a single nylon seat inside the tube on the engine side as well? The picture is a great help !
Thanks again John,
Visiting several vendor sites with rebuild kits
they list 2 felt washers with most sites and doctor lists 2 felt washers and 3 nylon seats. inspecting the tube it appears to have a
groove to receive a nylon seat, maybe this is used in other years levers as well as the second felt washer. Is experience your source
of knowledge or a drawing etc. The doctor has the best exploded
parts diagram of the vendor sites
All of those sites/vendor illustrations/kits are wrong; midyear Corvettes didn't use any ball seat in the cross-shaft tube at the engine end. The axial position of the tube was established by the seats, ball stud, retainer, felt washer, and the tightened nut and washer at the frame bracket end; the engine end of the tube floated free on the engine ball stud to accommodate engine torque movement. The enlarged I.D. of the tube at the engine end is just to accommodate the diameter of the ball on the engine-side stud. Check the illustration in the Assembly Manual (UPC 7, sheet C1) - it's correct. :)

Thank you John,
That is the type of detailed info that I needed.

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