I seem to recall other threads on the Action Center that covered this topic. I am stuck in an Insurance mobius loop which always ends at the beginning. My big problem is I like to drive my car whenever it is not winter, the sun is shining and I just simply feel like it--I don't do restrictions! My standard policy which is in effect now has cash value on a claim which is crap. I can get an appraisal and they will do an agreed upon value at the appraised amount, but they will depreciate the value every year over some arbitrary usefull life probably between 5-10 years. This means every year as the value goes up my agreed upon cash value goes down. The collector car companies do not write full policies in Massachusetts but do write collision and comprehensive. The problem is the ones that we have contacted want to limit my driving to events, service and occassional joy rides but not regular use. I don't mind limiting how many miles I drive annually but I do mind limiting for what purpose. Anyone know of a collectors' car insurance company that will let me drive up to a set # of miles whenever or for whatever reason I want?