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Concept Cars

Here you are chauffering one of our special guests :):

That was George McGriff, the engineering liason between GM Parts Fabrication in Detroit and the Flint plant. There's a lesser-known picture of the first production Corvettes that is similar but not "staged". George is the driver of the first car! Among other things, Steve Koss (GM engineer who helped make the Motorama Corvette) in Parts Fab taught him fiberglass and George went back to Flint to teach the plant. George also made the only metal hood ever used on a production Corvette (and it's still on 53 #056!) and told me a great story about fiberglass, metal, a bowling ball, the 52 fiberglass Bel-Air conv and execs from US Steel! He also told me some fabulous stories about the 53 plant!


I took this after the parade that day. He told me that he "tweaked" the performance chip in his Impala - and proceeded to leave two impressive black streaks to prove it!
Bill, I was at the Dinner that evening. It was a treat to hear the stories and meet the former Flint employees. Still have my shadow box from Noland.

Good memories. :)

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