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Question: Convert non synchro trans to synchro (same trans)


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Hudson, NH
1964 Coupe
I met a gentleman that had converted his '64 coupe existing non-synchro 3 spd to a synchronized 3 spd. My '64 is all original. I would like to make this change for better drivability but keep the original housing.

Any info would be greatly appreciated

I met a gentleman that had converted his '64 coupe existing non-synchro 3 spd to a synchronized 3 spd. My '64 is all original. I would like to make this change for better drivability but keep the original housing.

Any info would be greatly appreciated


It's not possible to "convert" the original '64 Saginaw 3-speed with non-synchro low gear to have a synchronized 1st gear; it must be replaced with a '66-up 3-speed, which was a complete redesign, including a synchronized 1st gear.

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