How big of a job is it going to be to convert my 74's standard-type calipers to sleeved ones? There's a lot of stuff out there about sleeved calipers & o-ring calipers. Enough to be completely confusing! Is there a difference between the two? If so, which one is better? Once again, I'm counting on the knowledge of CAC members to help me out! Thanx in advance...
By the way, I have the standard-type replacement calipers on all 4 wheels with new lines. Can't seem to get the brake light to go off, and the pedal still goes almost to the floor after pressure bleeding.
By the way, I have the standard-type replacement calipers on all 4 wheels with new lines. Can't seem to get the brake light to go off, and the pedal still goes almost to the floor after pressure bleeding.