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coolant drain


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2004
Long Island N.Y.
92 Bright Red Convertable
My 92 has a slight leak on the upper radiator hose at the radiator end. The hoses look great but they are the original ones along with the original clamps. The car has the original 5k miles. I am trying to decide whether to replace the clamp with a screw tightening type or replace the hose. If I change the hose I need to drain some antifreeze. Is there a drain plug in the radiator and where is it.
On the engine side, lower right-hand area of the radiator tank, there's a plastic petcock valve. ;)
With the car being 13 years old, you may want to consider just replacing both pieces of the top hose along with the small hose from the "Tee" fitting to the throttle body and the lower radiator hose. I replaced my hoses last year and I found that there was some minor rusting on that metal tee fitting. I stripped the paint from it and sanded the rust down and repainted it.

You should onlly need to drain the radiator using the petcock. I re-used the spring steel clamps. I checked with the techs at the garage where I work and they said that the spring steel clamps are fine to re-use. Too many people use the screw clamps and wind up over-tightening the clamps and cutting the outside layer of the hose. With only 15-17psi in the system, the factory clamps are more than enough.
Did you use factory hoses or just a gates type replacement. Were is the petcock located. I dont have a factory manual yet. This car has so many covers and shrouds.
I would change both hose with that much age on them , age is a bigger factor than miles.A blown hose could cost you a set of heads.:ugh
I use a rule to change belts and hoses every 3 to 4 yrs on all my cars.If the car gets a lot of miles I change sooner. I don't like getting caught late at night with a blown hose or broken belt. If you install new hoses be sure to retighten the clamps after a few hundred miles. Assuming you use the screw type clamps.

I used the factory hoses. The GM hoses are typically thicker than aftermarket ones. They cost more, but they are probably a better deal.

The petcock is visible at the passenger side of the radiator at the very bottom. You can reach it from under the car and you may need a pair of pliers to turn the petcock. Remember, it's plastic so don't twist too hard. Put a large drain pan under the petcock to catch the coolant.

I would not re-use the old coolant. Get a good ehtlyene glycol (green) antifreeze and some distilled water. Mix in a 50-50 solution to refill the radiator. Parts stores carry pre-mixed stuff, but it will be cheaper to get the concentrate and distilled water at a grocery store and mix it yourself.
Is flushing the cooling system recommended? I read that to empty all block's coolant you can remove the knock sensors and all coolant will drain. Is this accurate and recommended to do?

I have changed all fluids in my 95 but coolant, is my next project
It doesn't hurt to drain it all by removing the knock sensor, but by the same token, I wouldn't be too concerned if you decide not to completely drain. A proper flush will pretty much accomplish the same thing. ;)

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