A word on thermostats...
Assuming you have the correct thermostat (195 stock, 180 for a nice upgrade - colder than that can reduce reliability), and that your engine is running hotter than that temp, the termostat is sitting open once the engine warms up. Unless the temp is dropping below that level (in which case there wouldn't be a cooling problem), the termostat is sitting wide open, so removing it won't solve the problem. It will yield a small increase in flow rate, but that's not going to make the difference between overheating and normal driving.
The thermostat serves two functions: to speed warm-up, and to prevent over-cooling. In a car that's overheating, this isn't an issue. The thermostat does not impact your cooling system once it is open, and switching the thermostat temperature won't coll the car down, if the radiator, pump, etc. are not capable of exchanging the right amount of heat.
Proper coolant mix (25-50% coolant, distilled water for the rest), proper sealing (all shrouds and gaskets in place), proper airflow (air dam and fan), and a clean radiator (externally and internally) are the keys to cooling.