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Corvette Action Center to Attend 2014 C7 Corvette Unveiling on 01-13-2013


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
I'm very pleased to announce that GM has invited me to attend the unveiling of the 2014 C7 Corvette at the North American International Auto Show on January 13, 2013.

I am both extremely excited and very honored, and would like to thank GM for this opportunity.

As a result, I'll hopefully be able to provide information on the 2014 C7 Corvette to the Corvette Action Center as it becomes available to me.

Stay tuned!!
Very exciting news, Rob!

Once again, the Corvette Action Center and the CORVETTE community at large will benefit from your dedication and devotion!

Thanks for all you do on our behalf!
It's an honor well deserved.:thumb
:wJane Ann
Congratulations Rob!!!!:happyanim::happyanim:
Well Deserved!!!!!!
This is truly an honor for the Corvette Action Center, all its members...and most of all, for you!!


:thumb to what has been voiced and I add that I am looking forward to your response and article that will come.

I always enjoy reading your articles in our very on "WheelSpn Forum". You have a writing style that draws me into your web (pun...), a style that is easy reading, absorbed with and eagerness of wanting more..

I look forward to Robs view of the new Corvette, as well... the other new 2013 GM offerings.. :drool:

Any of the Threads in our WheelSpin Forum with this image denotes an Article Rob wrote for the Action Center Community... "in my humble opinion Rob writes as good if not better than most the Paid Print Media editors/writers" :dance :thumb

They unveiling is probably the only thing that would tempt me to go to Detroit in January. Should be a blast.:thumb

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