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Corvette Action Center Welcomes Classic Corvette Parts as a Supporting Vendor!


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
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Classic Corvette Parts is a new company specializing in 1963-1982 Corvettes. Their goal is to supply the highest quality parts at affordable prices. With more than 30 years experience repairing Corvettes they offer new and rebuilt chassis parts and rebuilding services. They only sell what they use on their own Corvettes. They do not build race cars. They do offer quality tested and proven parts from reputable manufacturers for the diligent C2 and C3 Corvette owners.
Very cool!!

Thanks Rob, Ken, Mac
After 29 years of working for other people I've decided to start my own company. My goal is to supply quality parts. I test and use every part before I put that product on my website. A lot of sub-standard parts have hit the corvette market in the past few years. Poor fit and/or short lifespan.
I've been a member on CorvetteActionCenter since it was created. Rob, Ken, Tom and Bud are just a few of the great people here that I have met in person. I'm hoping to meet a lot more members at BG this year.

Congratulations, Mike. You will do well with this new business.

You've been an important part of CAC for a long time (as staff member). Thanks for finding yet another way to contribute.


I've followed the rebuild of your 67 since you started. My hats off to you for a job well done,

Congratulations on the start of your new company! You will definitely never go back. Been there, done that! :D

Save The Wave! :w

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