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Corvette Action Center Welcomes Spring Mountain Motorsports Ranch as a Site Sponsor!


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
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The Corvette Action Center would like to welcome the Spring Mountain Advanced Driving School as a new Supporting Vendor!

Home of Spring Mountain Advanced Driving School...the ONLY place in the nation where you can put in over 300 miles in current year Z06 or C6 Corvettes!

Located approximately 45 minutes west of Las Vegas, Nevada, the Spring Mountain Advanced Driving School uses our own 2.2 mile, SCCA approved road course for the Level One, Level Two and One day group programs as well as our Corporate Team Building programs. In this highly recognized school, the student will drive only Z06 Corvettes and log in over 300 miles in the Level One program alone. Our Level Two program will build your skills further with even more intense exercises and miles and miles of track time!

Here's a big welcome to Spring Mountain Motorsports Ranch.

Very cool!!

Ken said:
Welcome aboard Spring Mountain. :CAC

(Love that name!) :upthumbs

Beats Pharump, eh?

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