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News: Corvette Dream Giveaway


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
We'd like to bring everyone's attention to a very special Corvette dream giveaway which is being offered from the Kids Wish Network:

<a href='http://corvetteactioncenter.com/phpAds/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a839bfb8&cb=97' target='_blank'><img src='http://corvetteactioncenter.com/phpAds/www/delivery/avw.php?campaignid=97&cb=97&n=a839bfb8' border='0' alt='' /></a>

Kids Wish Network is a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization (Fed id # 31-1579097) dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories and improving the quality of life for children. Children and their families are assisted through several key programs.

Kids Wish Network fulfills the wishes of children ages 3 to 18 suffering with life-threatening medical conditions or exceptional circumstances as determined by medical professionals. We create once-in-a-lifetime experiences that turn moments into long-lasting precious memories. In addition, through our gift-giving Holiday of Hope campaign, Kids Wish Network brings millions of dollars worth of toys, books, games, entertainment, celebrity visits, and a much-needed break from medical treatment to children in hospitals across the country. Our gift bank program provides hospital emergency rooms, pediatric wards, and other children’s care facilities with age appropriate gift bags and offers a much needed distraction from often traumatic experiences. Funeral Assistance is provided to the families of our wish kids who have passed away.

Our fastest growing program is “Hero of the Month.” Each month, participating children’s hospitals select a child that has faced and overcome traumatic and life-changing circumstances with courage and spirit. That child then receives our “Hero of the Month” award. Kids Wish Network provides a valuable “Hero” gift package for the monthly award ceremony at each hospital. The hospital’s child-life departments universally tout the dramatic, positive and lasting effect the recipients of this award exhibit.

While many pediatric hospitals across the country participate every month, the huge demand for this program has left the Charity with a long list of waiting facilities. The Hero of the Month program is limited by our ability to fund it, and this urgent need led to the “Corvette Dream Giveaway” sweepstakes. The net proceeds from the Corvette Dream Giveaway, will be directed toward funding this critically important program. To learn more about Kids Wish Network and how you can help, please visit www.kidswishnetwork.org.

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