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Corvette Vagabond heads back to Europe 2013


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
Many have asked , Where to next ?

I have been invited and will attend the "24 Hour Le Mans" France

I will make a post tonight about the Corvette Vagabonds return to Europe 2013.

Wait to you hear about my ride !

Reports, photos, video, will be posted daily from Le Mans and side events.

Details later tonight

The famous "Dutch Corvette Collection" & Le Mans

The trip to Les Mans is shaping up. A little background; Rudd Zeller, a member of the Dutch NCRS Chapter, had generously offered me a ride to the races in his beautiful '63 roadster. Due to timing, I was not able to accept, and of course, another lucky person will be riding with Rudd.

In the meantime, the Corvette Club of France extended me an invitation to the race, including a prime parking spot.

In the spirit of Corvette fellowship, Andre Boer of the Netherlands and owner of the famous "Dutch Collection" has helped sponsored my return to Europe and to drive one of his cars, a C-5 from the Netherlands to Les Mans. (home cooked meal included)

This gesture exemplifies the passion for Corvettes in Europe and the USA. Cooperation like this will keep the 60 year Corvette legacy going well into the future.

Check-out Andre's collection (link here), I guarantee you'll want to go along for the ride.

More details to follow.


[VIDEO] Dutch Corvette Collection is Europe’s Largest

Andre 2012 Corvette Vagabond European Tour



Next Generation working on Corvettes son Johan and Grandson

Corvette Club Norway Magazine Article

I would like to share some photos of the Corvette Club of Norway Magazine. Great photos of activities in Norway and a little article on my trip to Norway last fall. Thanks to all the Vikings for their wonderful hospitality and a lots of 700 hp blown cars.

Many are coming to America July 1, 2013. Over 100 vintage American cars are being shipped to NYC USA for a Lincoln Highway Tour, from Times Square NYC to SF, California on the Lincoln Highway 100 year old celebration.

I hope to be back from Le Mans on June 26, and drive from Maine to NYC to lead them out the Lincoln Tunnel to New Jersey. On their own in NJ.


Here is a link about the trip. I am sure they would love to have you join them along the way. More details later.

Official Link www.lh2013.com

Press Link


Now if I could only read Norwegian :rofl:




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Some added information. Most of the Scandinavians are "not" retired. They get 5 weeks of vacation a year and this trip will be 4 weeks long. They will be drivings a lot of wonderful Caddies, Lincolns , and other 40's - 80's American muscle and luxury cars.

They are always on the look out to buy more. If you have an interesting car, does not have to be rare, but is unique, old tow trucks, or work vehicles . You can check the route and contact the group as they move across the country.

They are a fun bunch of men and women and kids, and you will enjoy meeting them.

Jack that looks like a neat trip. I might meet them on my way home from California. I'll be driving home on I80.

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