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Corvettes at Carlisle Callaway Celebration - who is going?


Is there registration for events that I need to start to give my notice on for Callaways at Carlisle. Please let me know i.e. displays, dinners track meets.


Ben, great question - Here is the link to register your Callaway for the show!

Please place Callaway Owners Group in the form under CLUB, to ensure the parking staff know what you are there for upon arrival: http://www.carsatcarlisle.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CE&Product_Code=3103

The details for the rest of the show to include the dinner, will be emailed out in the coming month(s) - I know I have your email, as we have communicated often however, if anyone who reads this has NOT gotten an email recently about Callaway events (and would like the info), drop me an email w/ "CALLAWAY EVENTS" in the subject line :beer

Also, we would like to do the Sat. night parade again as a group - two years ago, we had an awesome showing of Callaways, over a dozen! Any interest in this again for 2007?? :lou (reg. for the parade is done on site).
I'll be there with the car from Friday thru Sunday hope to see everyone then, the parade sounds like fun:cool.
Hey guys and dolls, while finally making my reservations today, our contact Toni said she is finalizing the Callaway Group and will close it probably NEXT WEEK. So if you are dragging your feet like me, pick em up and put em in the footwell!
Hey guys and dolls, while finally making my reservations today, our contact Toni said she is finalizing the Callaway Group and will close it probably NEXT WEEK. So if you are dragging your feet like me, pick em up and put em in the footwell!

The official Carlisle info email will be going out over the next few days - It will have all the hotel info included, as the details are now finalized :upthumbs

Look for this in your email box and as Kruzmisl stated, when you get the info, do NOT drag your feet - rooms are extremely limited for this Callaway Reunion*

*Due to the limited number of rooms, ALL rooms will be verified to Callaway Owners, with one per owner UNLESS prior arrangements have been made, thanks -

Also, if for some reason your email address has changed and you have not recently received an email about Callaway Owners Group happenings, please drop a note to

with Callaway Reunion, or something to that effect in the title.

Thanks :beer
Folks, the email about hotel rooms @ Carlisle, etc. went out last night to the owners I have on file - IF for some reason you did not get the email and would like a copy sent to you, please send an email here:


I did get back a few "bouncebacks" last night, indicating that some email addresses may have changed since the last mailing - Please help me stay current :cool

Thanks - CC.

*Due to the EXTEREMELY limited number of rooms and the HIGH DEMAND for this Callaway Reunion event, please make your plans soon - It stands to reason, at the rate that rooms have been requested, they will ALL BE GONE in the next week or two :eek
SOOOO, whats the deal here? It's the 20th Anniversary! Some of us will not be around for the 30th,40th, or 50th! Let's get this going! The buzz about Callaways has never been higher, and the 20th at Carlisle is the real deal not to be missed. Make your plans NOW and email Chris, :w
I'll be there with the Carlisle Callaway Corvette - count me in :)

Oh Yeah! I'm going!

I'll be heading down to Carlisle, as I usually do EVERY August for the past 10 years! I'll be driving my 2001 Quicksilver down.....! See you there !!
Who is going to Carlilse

These are the names I have so far If you are planning on going please update us in this post. Thanks
Here is a list of all going
Callaway4Fun =1
John Christensen=1
Magic Dragon=1
ET Viper=1
Jim Gramms=0
Tony C=1
Total cars = 23 as of now!
If you are not on the list please post here so we may add you Thanks Pete

Pete, thanks again for keeping track of this -

Alinares is bringing his 1988 B2K, and RaceLance should = 3
Luigi and another gentleman planned to ship their Callaways and hopefully more of the Texans will get involved in this :cool

I have heard that Carlisle Events is working on something VERY SPECIAL for those who bring their cars to the show - something for this milestone event :upthumbs Please plan on bring your Callaway :cool

TWNTRBO, if I can lend a hand with yours, please let me know - your Callaway was the VERY first one I ever saw on the road, and I hope it makes it to the show for 2007! It was 20 yrs ago, I saw the original owner thunder past me, making a u-turn, I caught up and have had B2K in the blood ever since :lou

Not sure on my car count. The quote was very high for a full trailer due to the exact delivery and pickup dates.
Is it ok if I stop by and say :w

Mark, You BETTER stop by :beer

Lance ought to have a map soon for this event - We are THE featured Reunion this year and will be positioned in the old NCRS row as you come in Gate #3 (This is the MAIN GATE off the traffic circle we usually enter in).

We will have the WHOLE ROW on the right as you come IN Gate #3 :lou

If you needed another reason to be there with your car, this (front & center stage) is it! :cool Thanks Carlisle Events! :w

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