Well-known member
Is there registration for events that I need to start to give my notice on for Callaways at Carlisle. Please let me know i.e. displays, dinners track meets.
Ben, great question - Here is the link to register your Callaway for the show!
Please place Callaway Owners Group in the form under CLUB, to ensure the parking staff know what you are there for upon arrival: http://www.carsatcarlisle.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CE&Product_Code=3103
The details for the rest of the show to include the dinner, will be emailed out in the coming month(s) - I know I have your email, as we have communicated often however, if anyone who reads this has NOT gotten an email recently about Callaway events (and would like the info), drop me an email w/ "CALLAWAY EVENTS" in the subject line

Also, we would like to do the Sat. night parade again as a group - two years ago, we had an awesome showing of Callaways, over a dozen! Any interest in this again for 2007??