The cigarette lighter is on the same 15 amp fuse. I did not use my lighter, I used a BIC lighter. Girlfriend had to drive MY Corvette to work for 2 weeks while her Corvette had the transmission rebuilt. She kept complaining that the radio would turn off and not come back on. Yes, there is a Blond situation here. Found a blown fuse and replaced it. It did not blow when I put the new one in. Next day, same complaint, another blown fuse. This went on all week long. Finally on day 5 she told me that the cigarette lighter was not working also, should have said that on day 1. I put a fuse in, radio and interior lights worked just as before, pushed in the lighter and it went dark and the radio turned off. Replaced the fuse and tried the lighter from my 1989 Astro Van, it worked and no blown fuse. I replaced the complete lighter assembly with one out of a 1992 Astro, same depth and electrical connector. (I was not able to find the same after market assembly for the Corvette at any auto parts stores here).