Last week I noticed an area around the 90° threaded brass fuel fitting that attaches to the rear carb of my 2x4 setup was wet with fuel so I removed the compression fitting ahead of it as well as the same compression fitting on the front carb. This gave me more working room. I removed the threaded 90° fitting and wrapped some teflon tape on it and threaded it back on and tightened it. I hand tightened both compression fittings back on to the two 90's on both carbs and was distracted by a phone call. Later on that day I went back out and tightened the rear compression fitting with a wrench but failed to tighten the front compression fitting. Today I went out to take the car for a test drive as I had also just reinstalled the tranny due to a speedo gear misalignment. Being anal as I am, I opened the hood and started the car to give it one more check of the fuel lines before taking it out on the road. I started the car, got out of the driver seat and as I walked toward the engine bay could see fuel pulsing out of the front untightend line spraying fuel all over the generator as well as other areas. I immediately rushed back to the ignition key to shut her down hoping a spark or short at the generator wouldn't send her up in flames before I coud reach the key. Fortunately nothing happened and I quickly soaked up the fuel in the engine bay and a puddle off the floor under the car. Then I blew everything off with compressed air. I shut the compressor electrical connection off also just to be safe till the fumes cleared. The fuel evaporated quickly and nothing was for the worse. What a scare!