My search for a shark these past two weeks leads me to one conclusion, MOST PEOPLE DON'T DESERVE A CAR LIKE A VETTE.
The way these cars have been treated should be punishable by a second circumcision (did I spell that right?) I don't know if I can bear to look anymore. Has everyone had this horror story. One things for sure, I'll never sell my coup. My only question is what does a quality paint job go for on a 75. I just might be able to salvage this one.
I'm going to go cry in my beer now.
The way these cars have been treated should be punishable by a second circumcision (did I spell that right?) I don't know if I can bear to look anymore. Has everyone had this horror story. One things for sure, I'll never sell my coup. My only question is what does a quality paint job go for on a 75. I just might be able to salvage this one.
I'm going to go cry in my beer now.