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My search for a shark these past two weeks leads me to one conclusion, MOST PEOPLE DON'T DESERVE A CAR LIKE A VETTE.
The way these cars have been treated should be punishable by a second circumcision (did I spell that right?) I don't know if I can bear to look anymore. Has everyone had this horror story. One things for sure, I'll never sell my coup. My only question is what does a quality paint job go for on a 75. I just might be able to salvage this one.
I'm going to go cry in my beer now.:beer :mad
Yep, start at $3k and keep going. Depending on the condition of the car and the quality of the job you want and how much prep you can do yourself it can get upwards of $10,000 if you aren't careful. Do your homework and ask local vette owners who they've used.
I don't get no R E S P E C T

Yes, most people do not understand the design philosophy of the Corvette, or appreciate its underpinnings. I would have to say this is true for most any vehicle as well. However, I have found that a particular animal is attracted to the Corvette, Trans Am, Camaro, and Mustang. This animal has no regard for vehicle maintenence, cleanliness, or appearance. I am ashamed to stereotype, but this animal is often seen living in a trailer park and is discribed as "white trash."

Whenever I see a beat up third gen Camaro or Firebird, I immediately picture the driver as a long-haired white male, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, a dirty denim or black leather jacket, putting out his cigarette on the headliner.
Re: I don't get no R E S P E C T

Turismo said:
Whenever I see a beat up third gen Camaro or Firebird, I immediately picture the driver as a long-haired white male, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, a dirty denim or black leather jacket, putting out his cigarette on the headliner.

Whew, good thing I don't smoke or drive an old T/A, cause otherwise, you just painted a picture of me in the garage:L:L.

- Eric
Yep, About 3K will get ya started...........Steve
Re: I don't get no R E S P E C T either!!

And just what is wrong with...
Turismo said:
...a white T-shirt and jeans, a dirty denim or black leather jacket

_ken ;)
Thanks to all. Now all I have to do is figure out what I can give up for a year:eek to pay for this paint job. Maybe I can talk her into a nice Volkswagon!:Twist
Oh yea!, By the way,I took off that dirty tee shirt!:crazy

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