Barry - you have all the advice you need right now, plus the fact that you are not doing the wrenching yourself means that you can only suggest things that your mechanic might take you up on. Like some of the others, I too have a 65 L76 (365 hp SHP) so much of what you are going through and hearing (solid lifters, Holley carb issues, special weights and springs in the dist, special vac can, etc.) are familiar.
I'll be honest with you - while I certainly advocate doing much of this work yourself (hell, you have access here and on the other C2-heavy forums to waaay better advice on your 65 L76 than any single mechanic has, often right from the guy who was there on the line, or the guy that has raced this car, or the guy who actually writes the tech column in Corvette Enthusiast, etc.) going it alone, for the first time, leads to a huge amount of self doubt when you encounter problems.
Especially the all-too-familiar problems with the ignition circuit. Familiar to me too. For instance, I put in all new plug wires (intalled in the cap "by the book") soon after asquiring my 65, and the car would not start, not even catch. I had done some other housekeeping items at the same tie - big mistake doing four things before testing, as you then do not know which item is killing you - and it took me a long time and much self-doubting before I figured out that the dist was installed a tooth off, I discovered this when I "walked" the plug wires around the dist cap in one last act of desperation. Since these cars are 40 years old, many hands (well meaning, to be sure) have been on them and the sky is the limit as far as what has been messed up or changed.
I think I suggested to you earlier to wait on the electronic ignition thing - honestly, once you get that thing running properly, you won't notice any improvement (performance-wise) after the change to electronic ign., and the limited use these cars get mean that the usual claim that "you don't need to replace points ever again" is really without merit. Plus, when the elctronic ign (Petronix, whatever) fails, it is not as easy to diagnose or fix as having points needing adjustment or replacement.
Once you get past the mysterious problems you are having now (I vote that it is a distributor-related matter, tooth off, 180 degrees off, plug wires installed in the cap wrong, maybe a short or a bad connection, etc.) and I assure you that you will get it figured out, I look forward to the next round of questions / issues, let's just call it the "Holley phase" of your experience!