Me again. If it wasn't obviuos before, it should be now. I don't know what I am doing. In case someone is reading this thread, though I seem to be the only one with anything to say lateley, I discovered that I didn't test the solenoid properly. I didn't have the key in the on positon. So I reconnected the jumper to the solenoid, turned the ignition and it started. Good I could now rule out the solenoid. I put everything away, and tried starting the car again. Lo and behold it started. Now I am back to square one. Since the car now starts I can't test till the problem reappears. Hopefully that will happen in my driveway.
Am I correct though in assuming that I can jump start the car if I connect the battery directly to the solenoid. If not then I have a bad solenoid.
Funny, I had the exact same thing going on a yr ago and it nearly drove me insane...seriously!
Laying in store parking lots....crawling under the car in the rain....winter....people staring when I approached with a hammer, all aggrevating as hell. If it had been a ford everyone would have understood. Not a Vette..
I learned that I could tap the starter body or the solenoid and it would start, but it might not act up again for days...then it would do it every time I got in for a week. I got a new starter and was waiting for someone to assist because I had a broken shoulder at the time. Ended up NEVER installing it...
I tried the wires to the solenoid, the batt cable, the connections...nothing proved what the true problem was/is.
Then, it just went away. Has not even thought of acting up. Since then I bought an optima battery, new alt, added ground cables and enhanced the base electrical. Cleaned every connection that I could find. I have NOT replaced the starter because I almost WANT it to malfunction again so I can KNOW for sure what it is...
My theory is that the solenoid builds up carbon on the contacts inside (much like a points type distributer) and that stops the switch from making contact. Even with a jumper it would'nt click. A tap in the right place and it made theory at least. With enough of the old burned carbon knocked off the solenoid contact, it works again. perfectly.
Its just a theory, but its the only thing that makes sense outside of witch-craft or a curse.
Taking VATS out of the equasion, that leaves the ignition switch on the column and the wiring inbetween. I have found all of that to be very reliable. If anything, the switch thats operated by the rod from the key
switch could fail giving you the same result, a no start/click situation. Dirt,. moisture and age would be the reason why. I know that anything that lives within 3" of my shoes HAS to be a very durable part...