If you are converting from r-12 to r134a and want to do it right go to a shop and pay the nice people to do it. I have found a new hatered for my car that I did not know existed. I thought I would be smart and try the conversion myself, you know the Drier change, flushing of the system, changing o-rings all of that cr_p. After buying a good used vacume pump the gauges and all of the flush, oil etc, etc, I have about $250.00 invested not counting the 4 hrs I worked on it tonight or the case of beer and the cussing that I will have to pray for forgivness for. The drier/Accum. what ever you want to call it is a son-of-a-b_tch to get out and replace. You have to remove the overflow tank then you have to try and loosen fittings that have been there for 20 yrs. I think you do more damage by trying to loosen fittings to change o-rings than to just use what is there. My sys. was very tight no leaks etc. but I wanted to do It RIGHt
and change as many o-rings that I could get to(which by the way is not to many). Everyone suggest flushing the sys. with flush solution and compressed air. What bullsh_t. This may work on regular cars but on these sorry piece of cr_p Corvettes it is virtually impossible because of the layout of the system. I guess that I have vented enough
ad I still have about four more hours of work to do on the *&^%$^&&& car tomarrow and god only knows how much I have screwed up. My wife thinks that I have gone insane:crazy I really just want to sit down and :cry Oh yea where does this orfice tube go?:confused
