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Do U have a drivability problem? change the pcv valve. It makes a huge difference!

How is this wire attached to the PCV? Is it just a clip that goes around it or what? I know I did not have anything dircectly attached to the PVC. On the surface this makes very little or no sense. If you find out what this is or for I would be interested in knowing this :confused

Have you got pictures of this or not?

Junk, he da Man :upthumbs

Bill :w
If you look in the photo of my Z-51,you can see it!! That metal ring around it ,on the back side and it has a clip that go's through the rubber boot that clips around the PCV valve!! It's a purdy heavy wire that go's to the Ground!!:upthumbs


I have that metal ring around the hose that has the clip that holds the small wire harness that goes through there to just below the throttle body area but I can not see the wire to ground, unless I don't know what I'm looking for! Is this attached with what looks like a small piece of vacume hose to just below the intake?


I have that metal ring around the hose that has the clip that holds the small wire harness that goes through there to just below the throttle body area but I can not see the wire to ground, unless I don't know what I'm looking for! Is this attached with what looks like a small piece of vacume hose to just below the intake?

If you can't see it, than yours don't have it!!!! It's a bout half the size of a Battery cable!!!:upthumbs
I see nothing like that for sure; would be interesting to know what it's for though.

Mystery solved!

According to C4C5 Specialist the wire is only a support for the PVC. It does nothing accept to keep the valve from resting on the block.:werd:
According to C4C5 Specialist the wire is only a support for the PVC. It does nothing accept to keep the valve from resting on the block.:werd:
You had me thinking of PVC pipe for a second. :) Yeah, it's pretty hidden with the rubber hose around it. The thought comes to mind that GM was still worrying about ring failures on the 01 Z, and the crankcase ventilation design. The PCV is probably the longest continuing mod. on the C5. :L There is so much oil and water sludge getting in the intake through the PCV, due to the condensing at start up, and making plenty of vacuum at idle to pull the mix in, just to be dripped down the intake ports into the combustion chambers and mixed with fuel. :puke . I found out how bad this oil in the intake problem was when I changed my heads. The intake ports, and the combustion chambers were coated with oil. So I searched for a solution and found it on the Nissan forums. The import guys have been dealing with this problem for years, and is amplified using a turbo or supercharger setup. Basically what I found out was oil added to the fuel for combustion will reduce your overall octane content not even considering the mess inside the heads. If you have high compression, you run a risk of detonation. I make sure I keep my intake very clean of oil and also relieve oil from the lifters back to the main oil gallery alot faster than stock to offset other parts that may need oil, because I could, I had the heads off, so I drilled holes into the retainers to drain all the oil that sits up in the retainers pooling there. Every little bit helps. Some may even get unspent oil in the exhaust and coat the back of the car depending on how bad the problem is. How's your catylitic converter look if you have one? :ohnoes
You think it runs good until you install a catch can catch can along with the seafoam treatment and you won't believe the difference. For me going down the road and hearing every cylinder firing individually convinced me this is a good solution.
Thanks Todd, you make a great argument for installing an oil catch can. In the past I thougt of it as just another gimic. You have convinced me to install one. Now that I think about it, what is all that oil douing to my cats.:ohnoes? The catch can is a lot cheper than a set of catalitic converters.
Thanks Todd, you make a great argument for installing an oil catch can. In the past I thougt of it as just another gimic. You have convinced me to install one. Now that I think about it, what is all that oil douing to my cats.:ohnoes? The catch can is a lot cheper than a set of catalitic converters.
I appreciate it. Well without having to remove the heads, the oil catch can and Seafoam treatment should eliminate the problem and make up in full for the poor PCV valve design and give you a clean and smooth running engine that will be new to you, it makes that much difference. You can buy Seafoam at Autozone for around 7 dollars. The Seafoam treatment takes about 10 mins. total. Oil catch cans can be bought on ebay super cheap for around $36.00. A universal can works excellent, so don't pay $89.00 for a can, it's not justified and works just as well.
The Sea foam treatment takes about 10 mins. total.

I've read the mfg. specs and several testimonials on the "Sea Foam". I sounds like great stuff and I would like to try it. Can you please tell me how you apply it in your vette and the quantity you use.

P/S: Got the catch can ordered through e-bay, I'm anxious to install it.:upthumbs
Zagger, which one did you get? I have been looking on ebay for one and couldnt find one I really liked yet.

Looking forward to a small review after to get it. Mainly looking for how to what they use to filter the gas and quality.
Just search under "oil catch can", there are tree pages full of cans. I got the cheep one for under $20. They list them for different cars but if you look at the pictures they are all the same. I might have to fabricate a bracket, but that is easy. Found this cool page on the install, it has a lot of pictures. I'm better with those, not good in reading directions:L .
Hey Junk just for the heck of it do you think a catch can is a good idea or not? I don't see a whole lot of crap on or around my intake but there is some. Maybe it's just me but I don't see the big deal here; but maybe I am missing something here or I'm just an old PVC kind of guy???

Hey Junk just for the heck of it do you think a catch can is a good idea or not? I don't see a whole lot of crap on or around my intake but there is some. Maybe it's just me but I don't see the big deal here; but maybe I am missing something here or I'm just an old PVC kind of guy???

I myself,(and I'll probly get Flamed here) think there a Gimmick!!!($20-$89) for a Chrome Plated Beer can):chuckle :chuckle They probly would help on a Old Loose engine that has Blow by out the Ying Yang to keep the spark plugs from fouling!! Keep a Clean Air filter and PCV valve on it and it won't try to suck so much oil out of the crank case!!!Besides, I don't mind a little upper Cylinder Lubrication,it makes things like Upper Cylinder, Compression Rings,Valve Stems and Guides last longer!!!As far as the Sea Foam,I think it's great stuff,and it dose clean Gum and Gook out of the Fuel system and Injectors if run through the fuel system, and will clean out the plenum,but it won't clean it out of the passages of the throttle body,that is what they make Air Intake and Throttle Body Cleaner for and it needs to be done by taking it apart and cleaning it!!!:upthumbs PS,You can Start Shooting Now!!!:r :D
I myself,(and I'll probly get Flamed here) think there a Gimmick!!!($20-$89) for a Chrome Plated Beer can) They probly would help on a Old Loose engine that has Blow by out the Ying Yang to keep the spark plugs from fouling!! Keep a Clean Air filter and PCV valve on it and it won't try to suck so much oil out of the crank case!!!

Thanks for posting your thoughts on this matter Junk, this is really how I think as well, just wandering if I was missing :confused something on this catch can thingy. If it has that much blow-by :ohnoes it seems a rebuild would be the only real fix. Just can't imagine this catch can catching much of anything on a engine that is right.

Bill :w
One think you need to know! is to get a PCV valve that's for you type of car. I have seen some "universal" valves installed on car the made them run even worst. The diameter of the hole is a engineered leak and the wrong valve will actually make a car lean out if its the wrong one!
Weather it be strange to some or not I only use OEM GM parts that are engineered for the year/make/model and etc. I just feel they know more about what they sell then others that peddle after market stuff.


Have a great day,

Bill :)
One think you need to know! is to get a PVC valve that's for you type of car. I have seen some "universal" valves installed on car the made them run even worst. The diameter of the hole is a engineered leak and the wrong valve will actually make a car lean out if its the wrong one!
Thats a Reeeeeally......... good point, Grape!!!!:upthumbs
Thought you guys might like to know. I just received my catch can off eBay and I'm not impressed!:puke It's a simple can with a baffle inside, I can see it separating fluid from air but not the oil vapors. Needles to say I will not be installing it. I also did the Sea-Foam treatment and I can happily recommend it. It has definitely improved both idle and throttle response. I did observed the amount of oil mist that come out of the PVC valve when applying Sea-Foam. This convinced me that oil catch can is a very good concept. I will do more research on oil vapor separators and definitely install one in near future. If anyone has doubts as to the need for such device just disconnect your PVC hose at the intake, temporally plug the hole in the manifold ( small peace of hose with bolt at one end ) and watch the open hose discharge large amount of oil vapor.:eek I can only think that GM did not install some kind of oil separating device for cost cutting reasons. The separating of oil vapor and air is an old technology in use by compressors and vacuum pump systems. If I can't find a ready made can that will work to my satisfaction I'll borrow some of that technology and design one myself. I'll post the outcome of my search and maybe start a new thread on the subject. Sure would like to hear more opinions on this subject.

PS: Junk; I will not flame you. You were wright about the gimmick. But what is up with the avatar picture, or should I say what's upside-down with it!:harhar
I have one, I think I paid a hundred bucks for it. I had it on for 1500 miles. I saw a small film of oil in the catch can.

I took it off.

I have it in the garage.

I twisted the top copper piece a bit too much and the nozzle faces the wrong way now. (faces the battery not the pcv lines as it sits now)

I have to get it in a vise and give it another quarter turn so its facing the right way.

Once I do that I'm gong to sell it.

CWW or something like that.

I didn't see it catching that much oil (I like the little bit of oil going down through the top of the motor, doesn't bother me) and wasn't the cause of any issue on my car during that 1500 mile test I ran..(electrical issue that was resolved)

Once I put it in a vice ...(which I don't have) :L I'm goin to put it up for sale.

If you want to buy mine for 50 dollars and put it in a vice yourself.

Just let me know.

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