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Question: Does anyone know I/M Readiness info??


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2008
Portage, Indiana
2010 Grand Sport Vert JS Blue
I just bought my second C5, an '04 Z06 CE. I need to get it emissions checked before I can plate it. In the case of OBDII vehicles it's a matter of a gas cap vacuum check and a scan of the computer. Right now I am showing that the Evaporative System file is incomplete as a result of a dead battery while it was being shipped to me from Texas.
My question is: What combinatinon of driving, stops, starts, etc. does it take for this file to be complete? All other files have completed by two weeks of intermittent driving.
You have great taste in cars. I too love my Z16. Good luck with your inspection.
To force the I/M EVAP system set procedure, the following conditions must be present:
--DTCs P0442, P0446, P0455, P0496 are NOT set
--BARO is more than 75KPA
--Betweeen 1/4 and 3/4 tank of gas
--Battery voltage 10-18v
--ECT: 39-86°F
--IAT: 30-86°F
--Difference between ECT and IAT is <14°F

Turn off all accessories incuding A/C and the blower fan.
Start the engine and do not turn it off until the procedure is complete
Accelerate at part throttle to 45 mph.
Maintain 45 mph until the engine reaches operating temp.
Continue at 45 mph for another 3 minutes.
Decelerate to 0.
Idle for 2 min.
Turn engine off for 1 hr.
After 1 hr. turn ign on, engine off
Observe EVAP sys. status with your scan tester. The status update should be "yes".

If it's not, see the factory service manual for diagnostic information.
Thanks Hib, I figured it would be some combination of events. Hope I can at least approximate them on my days off.
Again, thanks a million!
While I have not had to reset that I/M status myself, my guess is the 45 mph thing is flexible. I think if you did it at 55 it might still work but I'm not sure. As for the rest of it, you need to do all that to "force" the test in the least amount of drive time.

We Z16ers need to stick together.
Amen to sticking together. CE has to be the most beautiful "Factory" package ever produced... knew I would own one the first time I saw one. It gets more oohs and aahs than any Vette on cruise nights!!
Thanks again for your input.
Big Jim,

Congrats on the new addition !! I love my LM, and agree that its one of the nicest factory color combos, enjoy yours !
Passed Emissions Test (I studied real hard) the new plate reads "RPO Z16". The girl at the BMV looked at me kind of funny and asked what that could possibly stand for... I told her that until I took her for a ride, she just wouldn't understand! She declined the ride. I guess she'll never get it!
Hib, thanks again for the input.

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