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Does GMPP cover Mag Ride Shocks?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2002
Carson City, Nevada
92 CR1;04 C5; 91 Aerobody Vert (nonTT)
I have a 2004 coupe with the magnetic ride option. I am about to purchase a GMPP extended warranty plan, but was wondering if the very expensive magnetic ride shocks themselves are covered by the GMPP warranty. I have been told two different stories by two different dealers:

1. Mag ride shocks are viewed as electronic items, not wear items and ARE covered by the extended warranty (this dealer supposedly called the GMPP people to get this positive answer).

2. Mag ride shocks are treated the same way as regular hydraulic shocks; i.e, they ARE NOT covered by GMPP.

Has anyone had experience on this issue? If not, I guess I will try contacting GMPP directly and ask the question. I will post the answer that I receive.

Steve, It would make some degree of sense to allow he coverage of the special suspension however, "by the book", shocks are not ( http://www.gmoutlet.com/gmppfaq.html )

...or ask Chevy directly at:
Customer Assistance Center

Inside the U.S.: 1-800-222-1020
I hope this helps :v :m

Has anyone else encountered this and has more for Steve???
mangusta1969 said:
.... I am about to purchase a GMPP extended warranty plan, but was wondering if the very expensive magnetic ride shocks themselves are covered by the GMPP warranty. I have been told two different stories by two different dealers....
Ask for a copy of the warranty and see what it says. They can tell you anything, but what the warranty says is what rules.
Some updates to my previous GMPP/Mag Ride question

I certainly could still use some actual feedback from anyone that has direct experience on whether the electronic shocks from the magnetic ride option are covered by the GMPP extended warranty.

When I asked the question, I had already seen what the online version of the warranty said: "shocks ARE NOT covered". Since I have not yet purchased the warranty, I cannot tell what what the written version might say...

At the recommendation of one of the dealers I have been talking to (Thanks, Dennis Fichtner!), I called GMPP directly today on 800-631-5590. The first line CSR, Jonathan, said that the shocks WOULD BE covered by GMPP IF the electronic actuator is not sold as a separate part. When I asked him if he could send me an email to document this statement, he said that he had no such capability. Then I asked whether his supervisor might be able to provide me a little better documentation.

After a short wait, I spoke to his supervisor, Leonard. The supervisor said that a failure of the electronic actuator in the shock WOULD BE covered but that leaking shocks would not be covered. Leonard went on to reinforce his statement by saying that GMPP covered all electrical and electronic parts on the car, with the sole exclusions being batteries and light bulbs. Leonard also could not (more likely would not) send me an email or document what he was telling me on the phone.

So I guess the bottom line answer on the mag ride shocks (with integral electronic actuators) is Yes and No:
Yes, the actuators and wiring are covered under GMPP
No, mechanical wear of shock components is not covered

Anyone's actual warranty coverage experience on the mag ride systems with Cadillac and Corvette would certainly still be very helpful. I can certainly see why I have been given several different answers from Corvette dealers on my GMPP question.

Here is what my GMPP states is not covered: Unless req
Here is what my GMPP states: Unless required in connection with the repair of a covered part, WE will not pay anything under this Agreement that is related to NORMAL maintenance service including engine tune-up, suspension alignment, wheel balancing, filters, lubricants, engine coolant, drive belts, radiator hoses, heter and vacuum hoses, windshield wiper blades, air conditioning charging, fluids, spark/glow plugs, brake pads, linings and shoes, brake rotors, manual clutch disc, or any other maintenance service or part required to be performed or replaced as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer's Maintenance Schedule.

Additionally, neither rust damage nor any of the following parts or services are covered under ANY circumstances: sheet metal, body panels, carpet, weatherstipping, lenses, sealed beams, light bulbs, tires, rims, trim, convertible or vinyl tops, moldings, bright metal, upholstery, paint, exhaust system, catalytic converter, hinges, brake drums, shock absorbers, batteries, carburetor, correction of air and water leaks, wind noise, odors, squeaks, rattles, contaminated fuel systems, bumpers, body parts, and glass.
HI there,
I have NOT had one shock covered by GMPP warranty.
HOWEVER, I have also not seen one MRC shock go bad in my service of Corvette.
I have heard of a few, but all under manufacturers warranty, none after that.
If I were a betting man, I would say your chance of having one fail is very slim.
Allthebest, c4c5

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