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Door re-alignment


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
My driver side door was not lined up properly ( a little low). I adjusted the hinge but now need to move the latch pin in the door jamb up a little. I loosened the pin to move it, but the hole is not elongated. Does anyone know if I remove the pin, will the nut on the back side fall down, or if it is 'captured'. I would like to remove the pin, oval out the hole a little, and put the pin back in and adjust to the door.
Door alignment

I've not adjusted a Corvette door but other doors' latch pins are excentric. So even though you can't move the pin up/down, rotating it while it's loose accomplishes the same end. Don't unscrew it all the way!
Good luck

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