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Driven Daily/Mileage?

WayneLBurnham said:
Right now (and for the second time) NEGATIVE PS.
...most of the PS system replaced...it started leaking so bad I pulled the belt off...until I can find the leak and get it fixed.
Manual steering from a power steering system is much worse than straight manual steering, especially this ram assist type.
When I was in college I acquired a 1974 Camaro, hugger orange with black stripes, for a steal because it had been in a fender bender. Traded an '81 Rustang for it! :L I think the guy got 'took', but I didn't care...I had the Camaro! ;)
Anyhow, because of the accident, I needed to cut the PS belt and for some reason or another it didn't get fixed right away. Let me tell you...I had some muscles in my arms and shoulders! (5'04", 120#)

Another interesting factoid about that Camaro...the fender bender had jammed the driver side fender into the door and the door could not open. Dukes of Hazzard style entry and exit for several months until the fender got replaced. :cool
Chris Kennedy said:
I frequently visit around Atlanta, and have often commented that the roads in Georgia are in generally great shape and are lots of fun.
I also know exactly what you mean about the good "feel" of a car which is driven daily and normally.
--Chris Kennedy
I wanted to comment to you Chris, that I have enjoyed GA driving. When we first moved here I was a bit claustrophobic because of the winding roads, hills and trees...I came from flat CA farm land with straight hwys. NOW...I enjoy the roads thoroughly! The only time I tone it down is if I am driving in the morning or evening/night when the deer are known to be out.

You may want to consider coming up to GA for our (SouthEast CAC contingent) next trip to Helen or Tail of the Dragon. The Dragon is a FUN run! My 78 hasn't been on the Dragon yet, but I was a passenger in a Z06 and let me tell you...it was a blast!
I've owned my 92 since it was new. It now has 106K+ on it and is my daily driver. The first few years it was not a daily driver but I managed to put 10-12K per year on it anyway back then. Three years ago, I started using it daily (except in the snow or ice). At 103K I had the motor upgraded - not that it needed any work as it was running perfectly but because I needed more power.

Unless somebody steals it or totals it, I'm going to keep driving it for the rest of my life.
My '75 has 69,000 on it. It is basically a weekend beach cruiser. I take it out once in a while to work, but most of the time it is a weekend cruiser. The little lady loves it (she has a '68 Firebird 400 of her own) and can't wait for those weekend drives. Down around Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Redondo Beach, etc. We have put on about 5000 miles in the last couple of years, most all of it just cruising. At this rate, it will last forever!! I'm even guessing that the tires will rot before they wear out!!

We absolutely love this thing, but as a daily driver, my Ford Ranger 4x4 is one heck of a lot more comfortable. Been thinking about a newer model C-5 though . . . . hmmm . . . might drive that one every day!!
Got access to a company car today. A 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee (has 100K miles on it, but maintained). Now I can retire to casual use my 82, which as of today, has 199,952 miles on it. Put 145,000 miles on it in 7 years. Will do an oil change, wash, wax etc etc and drive once a week - about 50 miles a week.

BTW, thanks to iridium spark plugs!
I aquired mine from the old man who drove it 3,000 miles a year. Just about everything that was rubber or cork was gone. After goining through gaskets shocks, springs, brakes (lines steel and rubber), water pump, alt, fuel pump, radiator, heater core, radiator cap, (well... you get the idea) I've put 3,000 miles since Febuary. I've done other things to it just cuz, like plugs, cap/rotor/wires. Just recently had duels put on with flowmaster 40's. I wont justify spending all that dough and deal with missing skin and not drive it, when weather permits. I also wont knock others who choose to treat them as collector items either. To each his/her own.
anouther daily driver here. Right around 150,000 on the clock, i've done about 17K in just under two years.
My '78 L48 is my daily driver. 20 miles roundtrip each day plus whatever jaunts I take on the weekend. I also live in Texas and am currenlty without A/C...fine with the tops out and moving. Otherwise, I feel like I'm in a microwave!

Before I started driving the 'Vette daily I completely replaced the brake system: rotors, calipers, pads, lines & hoses, master cylinder, fluid, etc. Also, I replaced all of the suspension bushings with polyurethane (in some spots I had metal-on-metal).

I've put about 9,000 on since then and I have done the following:
- Changed the oil 3 times
- New cap, rotor, coil, plugs, wires, & installed MSD 6A
- Advanced initial timing to about 12 degrees (from ~6)
- Coolant flush before it started to get too hot
- New ATF just because I don't know when it was last done
- Replaced locks

I think its time to do belts and hoses but the tires probably still have a year left in them. A timing recurve kit is going in as soon as I replaced the harmonic balancer so I can get a good timing reading.

Driving all the time keeps me "in tune" with the car. I can "feel" almost every little change I make to the car from the little ignition changes, to advancing the timing, to "fresh" fluids. Not only do I feel like I catch problems earlier but I think I get more bang-for-the-buck when I make changes because I can aprpeciate even the subtle ones like new spark plugs.

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