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dymag issues


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2005
89-056 red aerobody TT
Hi All,

Been awhile for me...How is everyone?? Hope all is well. finally have my car running. Changed the alternator and battery and whammo, started right up. Car runs great for not being started in almost 2 years. For all those who question Callaways reliability no leaks or cracked hoses, nothing at all and ran like a champ. Nov. 5th 2005 was my last spin. Unfortunately Callaway cars still will not do service work on turbo cars just so busy with the new cars which really sucks. I have been asking for over a year to get in there..oh well.

I noticed on my dymag center caps ( 2 out of the 4 ) like a white gunk around the flags in the center. Almost looks like its oxidising. Anybody ever have this with their dymags?? If so how did you fix them? Also noticed on one of my rims a tiny whole on the edge of the rim like someone took a cigarette and burnt it. First time I've had any issues like this with my car. Car runs strong and is super clean.

Oh yeah ..have some serious cracks in my original tires..any ideas for replacements?? Looking at new eagles..also this is a funny one, but anyone have any dymags for sale?? LOL

Thanx for everything and I can proudly say I am back in action!!!!
Hi All,

Been awhile for me...How is everyone?? Hope all is well. finally have my car running. Changed the alternator and battery and whammo, started right up. Car runs great for not being started in almost 2 years. For all those who question Callaways reliability no leaks or cracked hoses, nothing at all and ran like a champ. Nov. 5th 2005 was my last spin. Unfortunately Callaway cars still will not do service work on turbo cars just so busy with the new cars which really sucks. I have been asking for over a year to get in there..oh well.

That is awesome on getting the car back on the road :upthumbs Regarding Callaway's shop work. It seems like it is a timing issue, as Septemeber was the time for this work. I was even told that anyone who needed work in CT should get it done then, as the 08 SC program hadn't begun yet. But is sounds like things changed again and they are busy, Busy, BUSY! :cool

I noticed on my dymag center caps ( 2 out of the 4 ) like a white gunk around the flags in the center. Almost looks like its oxidising. Anybody ever have this with their dymags?? If so how did you fix them? Also noticed on one of my rims a tiny whole on the edge of the rim like someone took a cigarette and burnt it. First time I've had any issues like this with my car. Car runs strong and is super clean.

Without a pic, I am guessing here, but would say that at some point, a cleaner-type spray was used and the white gunk may be from that. The cleaner has maybe gotten under the clearcoat and causing the issue. Again, I am guessing here... but have seen it before ;shrug

Oh yeah ..have some serious cracks in my original tires..any ideas for replacements?? Looking at new eagles..

Lots of similar discussion in this thread: http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53966&highlight=tires

..also this is a funny one, but anyone have any dymags for sale?? LOL

For Dymag sales, check with 8388 (Sam) or UltraSlow (Matt). They have racks of them :W

The center cap is the same as any 88-89 Vette with 17" wheels.

I would highly recommend you pull your dymags and send them to Ye Old Wheel shop and have them inspected and repainted. They will look brand new and you'll have the peace of mind that they are not oxidizing any further. Magnesium will break down.
FYI, They were servicing a TT C-4 when I was there. I guess they have limited space. Can't blame them.
The center cap is the same as any 88-89 Vette with 17" wheels.

I would highly recommend you pull your dymags and send them to Ye Old Wheel shop and have them inspected and repainted. They will look brand new and you'll have the peace of mind that they are not oxidizing any further. Magnesium will break down.

Agreed on the Ye Ole Wheel Shop referral :w

Here are some past threads on the subject:

Part1: http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46157&highlight=ye+ole+wheel+shop

Part 2: http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47774&highlight=ye+ole+wheel+shop

Part 3: http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57381&highlight=ye+ole+wheel+shop
Thanx all....appreciate all the responses......alot of info and I think i have narrowed my tire choices...goodyear or bf goodrich tires. Now for the rims..I love the look of the dymags and cant imagine driving the car without them so it is either this winter send the tires out regardless to Ye old wheel shop and continue usung them or shelve them when I get them back. I love the rims on the white 96 callaway Gs conv. look alike. Not sure what kind they are if anyone knows let me know please. Also love the OZ rims used on the last 91 tt cars. Thanx again and it feels great to be back in the flow of things, just have been real busy the past couple years and its time to enjoy my favorite hobby...TT Vettes.

Best ,Cliff

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