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E-Brake Hows it go pictures

Does it not have a spring attached to the backside??
yes it does

but what does the spring attach to ?when the piece is in position the spring doesn't touch anything
The filler slides into the e-brake console and the springs are against the back side as shown below.....

looks like I'm missing a little groove on both sides. Sometimes I have poor understanding!
We all need a little "groove" every now and then.......
Lotsa luck with it.....that whole console, especially the flimsy cover that slides in the track with the handle is the one part of my car that I absolutely hate dealing with.
Saw your pix. I just registered and now can answer this for you. Hope it's not too late. Your clips are broken. They should've just held to the plastic edges that you show in you post. NO PROBLEM. Screw the 2 screws between the consol and the hand brake cover[use an awl to find the nut plate] and this part will not fall out. Also you can't have any heat/sound proofing in front of the hand brakedust cover. This prevents the handbrake from releasing properly

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