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I'm not even sure what to say about this piece of....
Full Article: Editorial: General Motors Death Watch 232: The Chevy Corvette Must Die | The Truth About CarsEditorial: General Motors Death Watch 232: The Chevy Corvette Must Die
By Robert Farago
February 14, 2009
A mainstream carmaker has no business building niche products. Literally. For one thing, they’re hardly ever profitable. For another, even when they are, their profits are relatively insignificant. And most importantly, “halo cars” are four-wheeled glass and steel versions of Dumbo’s magic feather. They lead manufacturers to mistake cause with effect: if we build this, we must be good. In fact, any automaker that focuses its creative, financial and corporate resources on a halo car risks forgetting how to do what it did to get those resources in the first place—and an eventual plummet towards the circus floor. The Chevrolet Corvette may be only one of GM’s magic feathers, but it’s the most famous and, therefore, visible. GM should kill it, STAT.