ccflorida I had an engine driven fan only. What prompted my change was a broken fan blade that went through the hood, taking out the fan shroud on the way. When I removed the broken shroud I used the upper brackets from it and attached the lower to the crossmember below the radiator. I am not using the engine driven fan. Kansas is hot in the summer, but this car isn't a daily driver anyway, so if it gets hot I'll just leave it parked until the sun goes down. If you want an aux. fan you will want one that is mounted in front of the radiator, there just isn't enough room to mount a meaningful aux. fan in the rear. Mounting in the front will bring you problems with hood clearance when the hood is opened. For what it's worth I fretted for days before deciding to go electric. An engine driven fan will be more reliable and give you a better chance of staying cool if you can only have one.