Last night I had a slight hesitation while starting the 72. This morning it started ok, I went to the hardware store and back. When I wanted to move it back into the garage it wouldn't start. Not enough charge to crank over the starter. The starter and battery are both about one year old.
After I charged it for an hour, it fired right up. Checking voltages, I have 14.4v at the alternator at idle, the battery shows 14.2v at idle and 12.5v with the engine off.
I'm thinking something is draining the battery, sooo....I checked the power lead to the windshield wipers (with the engine off), and I see a 0.5v draw, and also a 0.4v draw at the electric choke lead. These shouldn't show any draw with the ignition off should they?
I sure would appreciate some help pointing me in the right direction.
After I charged it for an hour, it fired right up. Checking voltages, I have 14.4v at the alternator at idle, the battery shows 14.2v at idle and 12.5v with the engine off.
I'm thinking something is draining the battery, sooo....I checked the power lead to the windshield wipers (with the engine off), and I see a 0.5v draw, and also a 0.4v draw at the electric choke lead. These shouldn't show any draw with the ignition off should they?
I sure would appreciate some help pointing me in the right direction.