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Empty Garage Depression Syndrome


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
It has only been 2 1/2 days since I dropped off car to be painted.

For the last 2 years I have been going out there to work on my car almost every day.

Now I just walk out and look at the empty space. I know the car will be back soon looking like it did when I bought it 40 years ago.

I am sure I am not alone , yes I have little things to finish, trim and minor stuff, but there is no car to sit in or drive. (we don't have any snow here in Main ) .

Here is a picture of what it looked like in 1970 and I hope in a month or so (not my car but the same year and color) and what it looked like last week or so.



Jack - It'll be back in no time, but ya could give Remo a call and see if he has a few of his winter Med's left! :thumb

Later . . . . . .
6 Shooter
Thanks Guys appreciate the support. Boy won't we all be happy when this winter is over. It's not bad here in Maine, but down south, you guys just aren't use to it. Don't forget the zinc in the snow blower oil.

wait until you have EMPTY WALLET SYNDROME!:rotfl
That has happen already

wait until you have EMPTY WALLET SYNDROME!:rotfl

You think I would be here in Maine freezing looking at my empty garage if I had any money left for other things, ( Like being somewhere warm for a few weeks )

A complete body on restoration in 1 year mostly does not leave much left over for creature comforts.

However, in a short time I will be spending more money on gas than on food.

But I knew that back in 1969-70 right? gas at .39 a gallon, but 1971 at $1.50 was a bit of a shock.


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