Assuming the original breather unit is complete, it
does have a heat stove to warm the air during the winter, to aid cold starting.
On the other hand, I've started my Shark in single-digit temperatures, with no major difficulty.
The "cold air" effect is marginal, in my opinion, when compared with the increase in reathing that you can get with a good air cleaner.
When I got my car, it had a 13-1/2" dia x 2-1/2" tall chrome-lid air cleaner. It's a bit scuffed up, so I'll probably replace it eventually, but it's pretty decent.
I'd rather have that, and actually be able to get at the engine, than have the huge factory system crouching over the entire engine
One thing to watch is the length of the air cleaner stud. The previous owner of mine put in a stud that was really too long, by about 1/2". It chewed a hole in the under-hood insulation (but didn't actually hit the hood), and just looked ugly. I finally had time amidst my other projects to chop off that excess half inch, re-bevel the end on the grinder, and clean up the threads. Much nicer, now - it is even with the top of the wing nut, when tightened down.
I can take some pictures, if you'd like. You'll have to bear with the mess, though - half my engine compartment is scattered around my garage, at the moment.