It's dark, but I'm thinking ya just need to adjust the contrast on your monitor. Maybe you have a Bro Ken monitor as well? :L :L
The video was a rough draft. There were some tech difficulties that I didn't know about until it was actually time to walk the walk. There was supposed to be a 3rd camera, but that shot was completely missed.
Next season, both I and the car will be better prepared. I'll have a better idea of how to setup the camera in car for a more steady and clearer picture. I'll have walkie-talkies for communicating with the crew rather than cel phones, and the car will have a brand new 700r4 with an OD toggle switch, so getting up to top speed, and getting there faster won't be as much an issue.
As for the distance I needed? Probably about 1/2 mile. We were rolling about 80-90mph when the peddle was put down. It's strong up to about 128mph, but the trans gave out. Had to come back down and crawl back up again. The pedal wasn't completely buried, but close enough. With all that, I ran out of room before I did available speed.
I'm shooting to have the 700r4 installed in early May. So, look for Top Speed Round 2 to occur sometime in late May / early June 2003.
Oh yeah, my buddy was driving and I was manning the camera. I had a better idea of what I wanted as far as footage. All he had to do was keep the pedal down, both hands on the wheel, the headlights pointed in the direction we wanted to go, and 4 wheel on the pavement.
As for RPM's? It's over 6K, which is well past my peak HP. That's another reason I'm looking forward to the 700r4 gearing.
Ya didn't see my round headlights. I didn't have 'em on! :eyerole :L Once I hit the final stretch and saw no cars in the distance, I dropped 'em down to just parking lights to eliminate any minor drag. I'm wondering how much impact the extra 200lb driver had on the overall performance... I'm thinking not a whole lot when traveling in a straight line, but obviously when negotiating corners.